
الشركة الرائدة في مجال الترميز & صناعة العلامات منذ عام 2011.

What is the price of industrial inkjet printer ?

This may be different in different conditions. It is a promise of LEAD TECH Technology Co., Ltd. to offer quality industrial inkjet printer at affordable price. In general, it is priced based on the production. Its raw material, production technology, positioning, etc. are all considered. Sometimes there are discounts based on the order quantity. Favorable price is available for a new order.

LEAD TECH has wide popularity and reputation in the laser printing machine field. laser printing machine series manufactured by LEAD TECH include multiple types. And the products shown below belong to this type. Being more elegant in laser coding printer makes laser printing machine more attractive in this field. This product is hypoallergenic. In the production process, any allergens caused by crude material ingredients, dyestuff or chemical additives are removed. The product is distinguished by the highly integrated mainboard and upgraded operating system.

Presenting high quality customer service has been always something that LEAD TECH sticks to. Call!

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هاتف : (+86)-0756 7255629
البريد الإلكتروني : lt@leadtech.ltd
عنوان المكتب: الطابق 3/4، مبنى 1، رقم. 728، طريق جينهو، مدينة سانزاو، منطقة جينوان، مدينة تشوهاي
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