
Leading Manufacturer in the Coding & Marking Industry since 2011.

Coke cans - laser carving machine price Factory direct sale

Coke cans laser carving machine equipment is based on the principle of the thermal printing on all kinds of metal and tags, such as stainless steel, titanium steel, alloy steel, hardness of the alloy, aluminum alloy, zinc alloy, galvanized materials, all kinds of grinding, polishing metal Cousins, etc. Suitable for printing logo, product name, index, manufacturer name, security issues, as well as the manufacturing of high-grade stainless steel marks, shell, etc. Coke laser carving machine marking clearly, durable, discoloration, loss, high temperature resistant, not afraid of organic solvent scrubbing. Regardless of the product size, plane, arc, thin layer can be printed in 5 -, the utility precision printing, depth 100 UM。 The operation is simple, just a few seconds to complete, no need drying curing. Coke laser carving machine advantages: 1. Non-contact processing, fast speed, high precision, small deformation, improve product added value. 2. Computer edit, do not need to open mould, save the cost, shorten the development cycle. 3, marking effect is good, good, good consistency and strong anti-fake type. 4. Marking of low cost, suitable for mass production, small batch diversification. 5. Laser processing, environmental protection, non-toxic, non-polluting, in line with RoHS standard.

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IntroductionLaser marking is a popular technique used in various industries to create permanent, high-quality marks on a wide range of materials.
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