
Leading Manufacturer in the Coding & Marking Industry since 2011.

Common spindle lubrication methods for laser marking machines

  Laser coding machine mainly engraves the traces of the characters to be marked, while the dot-matrix laser machine traces out some important trace points of the characters to be marked.

Therefore, under the same energy situation, the new dot matrix laser coding machine prints faster.

The marking machine is a permanent mark that cannot be erased. It is instantly vaporized directly on the surface of the object by a laser. It can be distinguished by the naked eye without any auxiliary tools, which is convenient for consumers to recognize.

   coding machine breaks through the standardization and singularity of traditional inkjet coding technology, creating a brand-new coding method, highlighting product characteristics and brand differences, and improving In order to improve the competitiveness of products in the increasingly fierce market, it also provides a powerful tool for shortening the product upgrade cycle and flexible production.

  Laser coding machine can be divided into two types: scribing type and dot matrix type according to the different marking forms.

At present, most of the laser coding equipment appearing in the market are of scribing type, while the new type of laser coding equipment adopts a new type of dot matrix technology-dot matrix retention technology.

The laser marking machine should be used as far as possible in a dust-free, 10℃-35℃ environment, and keep the optics dry and dust-free.

  Laser marking machine is mainly used in some occasions requiring finer and higher precision.

The injection lubrication method is to inject a larger flow of constant temperature oil (each bearing (bearing) 3 ~ 4l/min) into the spindle bearing (bearing) to achieve the purpose of lubrication and cooling.

The oil injected with larger flow must be forced to drain by the deep well pump instead of returning naturally.

At the same time, a dedicated large-capacity, high-precision constant temperature oil tank is also used, and the oil temperature is controlled at ±0.5°C.

expiry date printing machine cij printer is generally used to date coding machine.

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Coding & Marking

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