
Leading Manufacturer in the Coding & Marking Industry since 2011.

Comparison of advantages and disadvantages of laser coding machine and laser printer

Coding machine    advantages: easy to use! After the power is turned on, it can be used after warming up. It needs consumables including ribbon writing ink roller, low cost, simple operation, small footprint, and generally used by small and medium-sized enterprises. Disadvantages: The adhesion of date or batch number is average. If rubbed with alcohol for more than ten times, the color may fade! It is easy to be hot and dripping! The food bag is not very clean, it is troublesome to change the date, the printing content is limited, and the commonly used alphanumeric printing items are limited , The paper plastic bag must be relatively flat before printing. The font is too small and limited. The advantages of the cij printer: text, patterns, LOGO, miscellaneous pictures, and computer editable can be printed, and the text size and font are similar to the computer! Can be operated on the computer and can be used on the cij printer. Print items, bottles, jars, Plastic products, wires, as if I can’t think of anything I can’t hit, hehe! The general use groups are medium-sized companies and large companies.   Disadvantages: waste, expensive consumables! (Ink roller and thinner, domestic ink 500-1000 per bottle, imported 2000-3000 range) After a day of use, the thinner has been volatilizing, and it must be cleaned and maintained before and after use. The technical content is high, and occasional garbled codes vary from machine to machine, and must be debugged by professionals.

Leadtech Coding can also foster research that is more useful and influential in society at large.

LEAD TECH Technology Co., Ltd. is one of leading date printing machine cij printer distributors. You can order , and accessories for your need. Meeting your business need is always our top priority. Any of your enquiry is warmly welcomed.

cij printer provider at LEAD TECH offers a wide variety of in many options. quality is absolutely ensured if you choose us. welcome to visit our factory.

Technology upgrades can pay for themselves quickly by improving cij printer and enabling employees to accomplish more in less time. It may be time to focus on date coding machine to ensure they run smoothly and efficiently.

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Coding & Marking

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