
Leading Manufacturer in the Coding & Marking Industry since 2011.

DIY is not difficult, how can custom fleece simpler -

DIY just as its name implies is to Do It. Without their participation, how can have a different colour? Why diy thing so popular now, the process of diy actually is more important than the results of our complete, more can make you happy. Like now very popular diy t-shirts, design patterns, percentage reduction printed on clothes, isn't it make you water mark? Then don't just move, reluctant to move! DIY is not difficult, how can custom fleece simpler? 1. Choose to print the image, and then use Photoshop or PS, and other graphics software set the size of the printed image, etc. 2. Pretreatment need to print fleece, evenly spraying pretreatment solution, and then use the press for 30 seconds. 3. The fleece on digital jet printing of textile laser printing machine, and then start the laser printing machine for printing. 4. After printing, use ironing press pressure, rapid evaporation ink excess water. So finish your fleece custom! Without any pollution, you can be in the home, in stores, in the studio, used in garment factory machines! The fool operation, more convenient experience for you! A month can your machine earn money back!

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