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Fiber Laser Marking Machine

Fiber laser marking machine is the most widely used equipment in the marking industry in the world today. It uses high-tech fiber laser as the core component, outputs laser light through the fiber laser, and then realizes the function of product marking by high-speed scanning galvanometer. .

The working principle of fiber laser marking machine

It is emitted by fiber laser High-energy continuous laser beam, after the laser is focused on the surface of the marking material, the surface material is melted, and the shape to be marked is controlled by the computer, and finally the target graphic mark is formed on the surface of the material.

What materials can the fiber laser marking machine mark?

The fiber laser marking machine can mark many materials, mainly metals, such as iron, copper, magnesium, aluminum and other common metals, gold, silver, Rare metals such as titanium and platinum can be hit, and some non-metallic materials with relatively high hardness can also be hit.

What types of fiber laser marking machines are there?

Due to the application of fiber laser marking machines in various production occasions, manufacturers have developed various specifications and models of fiber laser marking machines in order to adapt to the market. Standard desktop fiber laser marking machines Machine, cabinet fiber laser marking machine, desktop fiber laser marking machine, small mini fiber laser marking machine, flying fiber laser marking machine, hand-held fiber laser marking machine, etc., can be carried out according to their own needs. choose.

Fiber laser marking machine company ranking?

At present, the data company has not made statistics on the situation of fiber laser marking machine companies, so there is no relevant data on the ranking of fiber laser marking machine companies. However, it is a regular company with 18 years of experience in the production and design of laser marking machines. It has a number of patented technologies. Companies in need can contact us.

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