
Leading Manufacturer in the Coding & Marking Industry since 2011.

Fiber laser marking machine has an absolute advantage in service life

Proficient in product manufacturing and software development, with a large number of optical, mechanical and electrical professionals, we can provide customers with laser equipment with stable and reliable quality and diversified functions. Next, let the fiber laser marking machine 'introduce itself': how does it have an absolute advantage in terms of service life? Fiber laser marking machine has the advantages of fast marking speed, long service life and low equipment failure rate. It has been widely used in various industries. Among them, one of the important reasons why people love it is its long service life. specialty. Take the fiber laser marking machine and the semiconductor laser marking machine to compare. At present, the service life of the semiconductor laser marking machine is about 20,000 hours, while the service life of the fiber laser marking machine is about 100,000 hours. Of course, the price of the semiconductor laser marking machine is much cheaper than that of the fiber laser marking machine. , Just because the price is cheap, many manufacturers choose semiconductor laser marking machines. In fact, with the prolongation of working time, the threshold current of the laser will slowly increase, which will lead to the degradation of the laser of the semiconductor laser marking machine.

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LEAD TECH Technology Co., Ltd. provides innovative technology and prompts our customers to know the development of our producing cij printer.

The team of engineers and developers at LEAD TECH Technology Co., Ltd. are the best in their own way and we promise to provide timely service to our esteemed clients.

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