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How do laser equipment manufacturers adjust the depth of laser marking machines

How do laser equipment manufacturers adjust the depth of the laser marking machine

Hello everyone, I’m the editor. Today I will show you how to adjust the depth of the laser marking machine. The following content is compiled by the editor of the laser equipment manufacturer, and the relevant content is for reference.

The reason why laser marking machines are more practical on the market is that the equipment can mark various products. Highlight the performance of anti-counterfeiting, there are more important functions, marking depth and clarity. Why are these two important standards? Because if the depth of the mark engraved by the laser marking machine is not enough, it is easy to make the mark not clear enough, making counterfeiters more rampant, so these two are also important indicators.

1. Direct adjustment method: Increase the power of the laser: As we all know, just like the engine of a car, the laser is the core component of the laser marking machine. In order to improve the quality of the laser, the confinement of the laser beam can be increased. This means increasing the laser power. Provide their workload, but doing so will increase the cost of the machine. But what is certain is that the effect is immediate. Another point is that once the laser upgrade and its corresponding supporting equipment are upgraded, this will increase the cost of the machine.

2. Replace the field lens of the laser marking machine with a small one. After the replacement, the rays emitted by the laser marking machine will also deepen the depth. If used before The field lens of 110 is now replaced with a 50, so the depth may be about twice as before.

3. Adjust the beam of the laser marking machine: here you need to adjust the laser cavity or replace the light guide material, or upgrade the laser full mirror and output mirror.

For example, a semiconductor laser marking machine adds small holes to increase the cooling accuracy, and adjust the laser mold light to make the laser large, round and bright. In short: to improve the configuration of the laser cavity. This is to understand the structure of the laser marking machine, otherwise the loss will directly affect the equipment.

4. The marking speed of the laser marking machine is slow, the power is the same, and other parameters are the same, but the marking speed is adjusted, and the depth of the marking process is slightly deepened. In other words, when you slow it down, when you start it, it will go deeper.

5. Marking accessories, use high-quality laser sets to replace high-quality lasers: for example, the degree of laser focus will be strong. The ideal spot will get the result. Machines such as semiconductor laser marking machines use imported Q switches, which will be more suitable for deep marking.

If you want to know more about the industry information of laser equipment manufacturers, please log in to our official website and we will bring you more practical knowledge.

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