
Leading Manufacturer in the Coding & Marking Industry since 2011.

How long can the fiber laser marking machine be used? How to extend the service life?

Because of the high efficiency and good effect of fiber laser marking machine, which can improve productivity, many companies will now choose fiber laser marking machine for marking. Engraving and other operations, thereby increasing the value of a unit of merchandise and gaining more profit. When purchasing a fiber laser marking machine, customers will consider its longevity factor. Here is a little tell you: how long can the fiber laser marking machine be used, and how to extend the service life of the fiber laser marking machine.

Service life of fiber laser marking machine:

1. In order to make the laser marking machine last longer, be sure to carry out good maintenance on the machine. If you pay attention to daily maintenance, you can extend the service life of the fiber laser marking machine.

2. The fiber laser marking machine has fast marking speed, long service life and low equipment deployment obstacle rate. It has been widely used in various industries and is considered to be a new product that may replace traditional marking processing methods. . At present, the common fiber laser marking machine generally has a service life of more than 100,000 hours. The service life of the fiber laser marking machine is closely related to the use environment and daily maintenance.

How to extend the life of fiber laser marking machine:

In order to prolong the life of fiber laser marking machine, daily maintenance is very important. Fiber laser markers can last longer if maintained well. The following is a good maintenance method.

1. Avoid long-term use and avoid overloading the fiber laser marking machine.

2. The fiber laser marking machine is a kind of static and dense equipment, and enterprises should regularly check its performance problems and maintain the equipment.

3. The fiber laser marking machine has certain requirements for the environment, try to ensure constant temperature and dustproof, and do not put it in a humid place.

4. Clean up chips, debris and dirt around the equipment. Excessive dust will allow dust to enter the device and affect the performance of the device.

5. Do a good job in the maintenance of the marking head. The marking head is an important part of the fiber laser marking machine, and the maintenance of this part is very important.

6. Pay attention to the use of fiber laser marking machine, remember: specifications. Use according to the instructions, pay attention to the 220V standard civil voltage.

7. Pay attention to regularly clean up the dust accumulated in the fan. If the dust accumulates too much, the performance of the fiber laser marker will be lost, thereby reducing its service life.

8. Follow the steps to shut down. The fiber laser marking machine should be started according to the steps. After the machine work is completed, it should be shut down according to the shutdown steps, and the main power supply should be turned off.

9. The daily maintenance of fiber laser marking machine is the basic work of equipment maintenance, which must be institutionalized and standardized. Avoid random operations that can lead to irreversible consequences.

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