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How much is the price of fiber laser marking machine

The fiber laser marking machine uses a fiber laser to output laser light, and then scans it with a galvanometer field lens, and finally prints exquisite patterns on various materials. The fiber laser marking machine not only has a wide range of applications, but also has high marking efficiency, and the price is the most economical among laser marking machines.

Is the fiber laser marking machine a radiation hazard to the human body?

Please wear protective glasses and masks as much as possible when using the fiber laser marking machine for a long time, because the laser will evaporate fine dust when marking materials such as metal and stone. , it may cause damage to the lungs, and often staring at the high-brightness laser beam may also cause certain damage to the retina. Everything must be prevented before it happens. When engaging in laser processing work, you must ensure your health. .

What is the difference between fiber laser marking machine and laser printing machine?

Fiber laser marking machine is a kind of laser processing equipment, which is mainly used for marking the surface pattern of metal, hard plastic and other materials, and the main function of laser printing machine is paper.

How much is the price of fiber laser marking machine

Fiber laser marking The price of the machine is related to the product model, accessory brand, and power.

First of all, the higher the power of the fiber laser marking machine, the more expensive the price. The most used are generally 20W fiber laser marking machine and 30W fiber laser marking machine. If the depth and speed of the target are required, a fiber laser marking machine of more than 50W may be required.

Product model, fiber laser marking machine can be divided into standard desktop fiber laser marking machine, cabinet closed fiber laser marking machine, desktop fiber laser marking machine, Handheld fiber laser marking machine, flying fiber laser marking machine, etc., with 18 years of experience in laser marking machine production, we can design and customize products according to customer needs.

The quality of the accessories affects the service life of the fiber laser marking machine, especially the quality of the laser and galvanometer. At present, Raycus and Maxphotonics are the mainstream lasers in the market. Brands, the galvanometer is generally equipped with the high-speed galvanometer produced by Zhibotech, which has fast marking speed and clear pattern.

Having said so much, you may have to ask, what is the price of fiber laser marking machine? The editor takes a standard desktop fiber laser marking machine as an example, the price is about 13000~14000 left.

(This article is edited by the editor, please be sure to indicate the source:)

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