
Leading Manufacturer in the Coding & Marking Industry since 2011.

How to adjust the unclear code of the steel pipe inkjet printer? What matters to note?

are now widely used in many industries. According to actual operation and use, clarity is something that everyone pays more attention to. Take the steel pipe inkjet printer as an example. If the operation of the inkjet printer is found to be unclear, how to adjust it? What are the basic things to be aware of?

1. Check the nozzle of the cij printer

If you find that the inkjet code of the steel pipe inkjet printer is not clear and the picture effect is not good, you must first consider the issue of the nozzle. In the long-term use of the printer, the ink will inevitably cause the nozzle to block. If it is not cleaned in time, it will affect the coding effect of the printer. It is recommended to clean in time during actual use and dredge the nozzle of the inkjet printer to have a more stable use effect.

2. Adjust parameter setting requirements

According to the current needs of different coding processing, related parameter settings will also be different. Try to combine the processing requirements of cij printers in different industries. Of course, the parameter requirements are also different. If you find that the inkjet code is not clear, you must adjust the parameters in time, especially the height and width of the characters. Ensure the clarity of the printer.

3. Pay attention to the practicality of ink

The inkjet coding effect of the inkjet printer is not particularly ideal. Of course, it may also be because the ink is not used properly. Then you can replace the ink. For the model matching of the inkjet printer, attention should also be paid to the quality of the ink to reduce the possibility of inkjet printer behavior.

These are the main items for the use of the steel pipe inkjet printer. If the inkjet code is found to be unclear, it must be analyzed in detail and adjusted according to the coding processing needs. The cij printer has a better texture and better marking. Sex and annotation effect.

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LEAD TECH Technology Co., Ltd. is committed to supplying the consumer and our customers with the finest, high-quality products and to leading the industry in cij printer expiry date printing machine.

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