
Leading Manufacturer in the Coding & Marking Industry since 2011.

How to better ensure that qr code clarity - spurt the code machine spurts India Spurt the code machine -

As the demand for qr code jet. the applications, qr code printing machine has become a relatively high penetration of spray printing equipment, although as the technology level of ascension qr code printing machine can achieve spray printing resolution is very high, can deny that part of the improper operation will also affect the spray print the sharpness of the problem, so how to better ensure the stability of the qr code jet. the spray print resolution to implement? A charging, accurate setting value due to the particularity of qr code jet. the spray print, in the process of specific cooking, due to some factors may need to adjust the system parameters, if inaccurate parameter adjustment, influencing qr code printing machine is a good chance of clarity. So in the process of modifying parameters, if don't get the accurate of operation mode, it is necessary to contact the high-end qr code laser marking machine do targeted service implementation and after-sales service personnel, thereby the escort for the perfection of the qr code jet. the definition. Second, the environmental factors affect the use of qr code printing machine, the environmental factor also to have certain needs. Especially if the dust caused by too much in the production line, also may influence the realization of clarity. Therefore in the process of qr code laser marking machine using regular cleaning nozzle, pay attention to the good correlation of dustproof work also is very be necessary. Three, temperature problem printing ink is not resistant to high temperature or low temperature resistant ink in high or low temperature environment, will likely influence the realization of clarity. So in the process as much as possible in accordance with the qr code printing machine is ready to the requirement of temperature control of temperature. As far as possible in accordance with the requirements for temperature do standard qr code printing machine work environment. In fact today, the use function of qr code printing machine and meaning are used relatively very perfect, can have very good solve the problem of definition, but some external conditions, or should highlight thoughtful in the use of specific, really ensure the perfection of from inside to outside, in order to better for the realization of the qr code jet. the spray print resolution provide considerate care of real worth.

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