
Leading Manufacturer in the Coding & Marking Industry since 2011.

How to choose the ink color when the printer is printing bar codes? -

Factors such as the color difference caused by the ink color matching of the inkjet printer, the thickness and concentration of the ink layer, the amount of ink supply, and the pressure of printing will all affect the reading of the barcode by the scanner. Inkjet printers need to print high-quality bar codes, and manufacturers should pay attention to the choice of ink color and performance. 1. When matching the ink color of the inkjet printer, consider the color shift of the ink. The color shift of the ink has a great influence on the accuracy of the barcode. Due to the impure hue of printing ink, color cast will occur. Due to the wrong absorption of red light by blue ink, the reflectivity under red light will increase, which reduces the PCS value of the bar code. The ink density is uniform, the hue is saturated, and the purity is high. Before printing the bar code, determine whether the reflectivity of a certain ink under red light meets the requirements. Metallic ink (such as gold) can not be used to print bar codes because of the specular reflection effect caused by the reflectivity and gloss.

Table 1: Barcode color matching

2. Barcode printing requires ink concentration and ink layer thickness. Since barcode printing is on-site printing, can it achieve the reflection density and ink optical characteristics and ink The layer thickness is related. The reflection density increases as the ink thickness increases. After the ink thickness reaches a certain value, the density reaches saturation. Depending on the printing process, the thickness of the ink layer on the printed matter is different. Offset printing is 2 to 4 μm, embossing is 8 μm, flexo printing is 10 μm, gravure printing is 12 μm, and silk printing can reach 30 μm. 3. Requirements for ink spreadability

The ink viscosity of the cij printer directly affects the fluidity and spreadability of the ink. Bar code ink viscosity is low, and the bars tend to become thicker. Therefore, the ink viscosity for bar code printing should not be too high.

4. Ink supply If the ink supply is too large, the substrate cannot be absorbed quickly, and it will spread on the surface of the substrate and cause a decrease in accuracy. 5. Printing pressure If the pressure is too high, the shear stress of the ink will increase, and the fluidity will increase, causing the ink to spread; the impression area between the plate cylinder and the impression cylinder will become wider, which will cause the bar code bar to become wider. Therefore, according to different printing methods, the rheology of different inks, adjust the printing pressure, speed and other factors to an appropriate level.

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cij printer also offers several other expiry date printing machine that could potentially be useful for manufacturers.

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