
Leading Manufacturer in the Coding & Marking Industry since 2011.

How to choose the power of laser coding machine

The power of the laser cutting machine must be selected properly, otherwise the power of too large or too small will seriously affect the normal use effect of the cutting machine equipment, but how to determine what kind of power the equipment needs? Let me teach you the following.

1. Machine use. For machines generally used to cut and process metal materials, the power of the laser should reach about 500W. If it is to cut thick metal materials, the choice of laser should also reach the kilowatt level, especially for continuous lasers. The cutting effect is very good. of. If it is used to cut non-metals, a 50-watt pulsed laser is sufficient.

2. Software system. The software system is provided by the laser cutting machine manufacturer, and the powerful company will have a professional technical department to develop and upgrade the software. Its advantages are self-evident, and it is better compatible with the hardware. , which can make the function more perfect.

3. Optical instruments. In terms of optical equipment, wavelengths, half mirrors, total mirrors, and refractors are all we need to consider, so that we can choose a professional laser cutting head.

4. Consumables and accessories. Among all accessories, the laser is very important, and the core of a laser cutting machine is also the laser.

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