
Leading Manufacturer in the Coding & Marking Industry since 2011.

How to deal with the problems encountered in the use of the laser printer?

In the field of marking, laser cij printers are used in many fields. For example, it can be used in food packaging, electronics and other industries. Now this marking method is deeply favored by everyone because of laser cij printer marking. The definition is relatively high, and the anti-counterfeiting effect is better, so it is favored by users. But in the process of using the laser printing machine, you will encounter various problems, so what problems will you encounter?

When using the laser cij printer, there will be uneven marking or different depths. When encountering this situation, to find a suitable solution, first of all, it is necessary to adjust the laser resonator, and then It is also important to see if it transforms, so that the output spot can be the best. Among them, the laser cij printer needs to adjust the light-controlled crystallization part during use, and ensure that the part is correct. The kinetic energy consumption of such an output is relatively low. Of course, it is necessary to solve the corresponding problems according to the specific situation, and then solve the uneven Leadtech Coding. Among them, the lamp of the laser inkjet printer also has a great influence. When the inkjet printer is printing, its lamp cannot be turned on, or it does not light up. When the light of the laser printing machine does not light up, it is necessary to check whether there is a problem with its power supply connection at this time. At the same time, it is also necessary to check whether the high-voltage krypton lamp is embrittled. If embrittlement occurs, this time To replace the krypton lamp. Of course, when using the laser printing machine, there will be a situation where the interface cannot be accessed. When this happens, you need to restart, and you need to use antivirus software for antivirus when restarting.

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