
Leading Manufacturer in the Coding & Marking Industry since 2011.

How to prevent radiation during laser marking machine operation

In general, there is no harm to the body when the fiber laser marking machine is operated and controlled.

(It is impossible to say that there is absolutely no harm (wēi hài). Doing any work has the possibility of harm.) The laser marking machine is much more environmentally friendly than plasma segmentation and flame segmentation.

There is a large amount of dust (form: solid particles), dense smoke and strong light when the plasma dividing machine is divided, which requires a matching dust removal device.

The laser marking machine produces less dust (form: solid particles) when it is divided, the light is not very strong, and the noise is very small.

More environmentally friendly.

Of course, the operation controllers who only come into contact with the laser marking machine like to stare at the segmentation head. If you look at the sparks generated by segmentation for a long time, it will hurt your eyes and have a tingling sensation.

Generally, some manufacturers of laser marking machine will be equipped with corresponding eye protection glasses.

How to prevent laser radiation?

  1. Self-protection against laser marking machine radiation.

   If the human body is sufficiently healthy, it can resist the slight radiation of the laser marking machine.

Laser coding equipment can be divided into two types: scribing type and dot matrix type according to the different marking forms.

At present, most of the laser coding equipment appearing in the market are of scribing type, while the new type of laser coding equipment adopts a new type of dot matrix technology-dot matrix retention technology.

So the laser marking machine operation control personnel should pay attention to eat more carrots, bean sprouts, tomatoes, lean meat, animal liver, etc., which are rich in vitamins (also known as vitamins).

  A, C and protein (protein) food, often drink some green tea and so on.

Laser coding machine mainly engraves the trajectory of the character to be marked, while the dot-matrix laser machine engraves some important trajectory points of the character to be marked.

Therefore, under the same energy situation, the new dot matrix laser coding machine prints faster.

Because these foods can help humans better protect their eyes, so that the human body can better protect the human body under the conditions of laser marking machine radiation.

  2, necessary protective equipment for laser marking machine.

Laser coding machine mainly engraves the trajectory of the characters to be marked, while the dot matrix laser machine engraves some important trajectory points of the characters to be marked.

Therefore, under the same energy situation, the new dot matrix laser coding machine prints faster.

  The typical protective equipment for laser marking machines is laser protective goggles, because protective goggles that prevent laser damage to human eyes can be divided into reflective, absorbing, Diffraction type and composite type. Of course, they will filter and protect according to the laser radiation wavelength of the laser marking machine to achieve the protection of the laser marking machine laser of the human body. This is also the safer and more convenient laser marking machine on the market. Protective equipment.

The laser marking machine should be used as far as possible in a dust-free, 10℃-35℃ environment, and keep the optics dry and dust-free.

Laser marking machine is mainly used in some occasions requiring finer and higher precision.

The marking machine is a permanent mark that cannot be erased. It is instantly vaporized directly on the surface of the object by a laser. It can be distinguished by the naked eye without any auxiliary tools, which is convenient for consumers to recognize.

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