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How to solve the problem of the nozzle part of the inkjet printer-

How to solve the problem of the nozzle part of the inkjet printer

1. Problems occur in the nozzle part of the inkjet printer

The print head of the inkjet printer is composed of ink tubes, recovery tubes, cleaning tubes, power lines, nozzles, high-voltage deflection plates, recovery tanks, phase detectors, and charging tanks. Among them, the inkjet printer occasionally has some small situations, and the three ink pipelines of the ink circuit system are the ones that have a lot of processing conditions. The ink of our inkjet printer is easy to dry and solidify, and the duration is about 0.3 seconds. Or abnormal shutdown caused ink accumulation inside the pipes and nozzles, and then caused the pipes to be blocked. In such a situation, we must carefully identify which pipe it is, and then follow the simple knowledge of technical engineers to train customers to repair and carry out the steps. Gradually open up, and the nozzle is severely blocked. You can also use an ultrasonic cleaning machine to achieve fast treatment. Function.

2. The words printed by the cij printer are not clear and the words are scattered.

In addition to cleaning the nozzles and cleaning the front filter of the nozzles we said, we also need to learn to carry out diagnosis and testing from the circuit part of the printer to prevent unclear, scattered or unclear words due to circuit charging or calibration. The ink line is unstable. The details of the circuit part include the measurement of charging calibration, pressure calibration, high voltage measurement, ground wire detection and so on. At this moment, we need a multimeter to carry out auxiliary work. The use and control of the multimeter are also essential. If you want to become a repair master of cij printers, you need to know the knowledge of parts and circuits. Starting from the circuit ink circuit step by step, it is our solution. A quicker and more stable method for inkjet printer nozzle problems.

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