
Leading Manufacturer in the Coding & Marking Industry since 2011.

Instructions for using the printer

Instructions for the use of cij printers from the cij printer factory:

1. To ensure that the machine achieves the best inkjet printing effect and normal use, Please use the specified type of ink and cleaning agent produced by our company.

2. Please do not mix different types of ink.

3. Since the ink and cleaning agent are flammable, please make sure that there is no open flame near the printer and there is a fire extinguisher. When the machine is working, do not look into the nozzle hole to prevent ink from getting into your eyes or mouth. If the ink splashes into your eyes, please rinse immediately with clean water and consult a doctor.

4. During normal use, maintenance should be carried out in accordance with the daily maintenance manual produced by our company, otherwise it will easily cause damage to the nozzle.

5. Only well-trained and qualified personnel can install, operate and maintain the printer.

7. When the printer is operating, the plug switch should be in a non-energized state, otherwise it may burn the printer circuit board.

8. Settings, inspections, fault diagnosis, and troubleshooting must be carried out by qualified personnel. Otherwise, it may cause fire, electric shock or injury.

Finally, the engineer reminds everyone to strictly follow the standard operation of the printer's printer.

One increasingly popular managerial tactic to improve problem-solving performance of cij printer is to increase the connectedness, or what academics call clustering, of the organization

The expert engineers of LEAD TECH Technology Co., Ltd. always develop with utmost precision so that all quality standards are met during the production. we are looking forward to becoming a trusted supplier of customers. visit us at Leadtech Coding.

cij printer is one of the best products sold in the market today.

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