
Leading Manufacturer in the Coding & Marking Industry since 2011.

Is it reliable to buy a second-hand fiber laser marking machine?

Users often ask if you have second-hand fiber laser marking machines here? It seems that there is also a lot of demand for second-hand fiber laser marking machines. Today, Xiaobian will come to tell you about second-hand fiber laser marking machines. Can you buy them?

1. First of all, look at the condition of the other party's equipment, how new it is, and how long it has been used. Generally speaking, fiber lasers will have Its lifespan, if used for a long time, the failure rate will also increase.

2. Then look at the power. There are more 20W and 30W fiber laser marking machines on the market. No matter how small the power is, it may not be usable.

3. The machine will have a marking range, that is to say, the marking format of the fiber laser marking machine depends on whether the format of the other equipment can meet its own needs.

4. According to your own requirements, the workload of marking is not large. If there are many products to be marked, it is more cost-effective to buy a new one. There are special personnel for training.

Regarding the price, in fact, the new fiber laser marking machine and the second-hand fiber laser marking machine are really not much different. There are still some hidden dangers in the second-hand one, so, The editor here still recommends that you try to buy a new one, which will be more cost-effective.

(This article is edited by the editor, please be sure to indicate the source:)

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