
Leading Manufacturer in the Coding & Marking Industry since 2011.

Is the price of used inkjet printers really lower?

Recently, a company contacted us to buy a second-hand inkjet printer. Because the factory has just been built, the initial equipment investment is too large. Buying a second-hand cij printer can save costs, but have you ever thought that the price of a second-hand inkjet printer is really higher than a new one? Is it lower, is the cost really more economical? The following editor will analyze the following points with you:

1. Machine cost comparison

There is no doubt that the price of second-hand inkjet printers is generally less than 50%-60% of the price of new ones. From the price of the machine itself, the price of second-hand inkjet printers is lower; the price of the machine is one-off, and the cheapest things are often the most expensive. of.

2. Comparison of maintenance costs

Second-hand inkjet printers are generally used for a period of time, ranging from one or two years to 3-5 years. The loss of machine parts is also conceivable, and the use of cij printers is even more minor problems; the use of old machines During the process, the probability of failure of the parts is also relatively high. If the parts are aging and need to be replaced, the price of a new part is quite expensive, and the price of the main pump or the core parts of the main bench is more likely to be higher than the price of the second-hand mobile phone. , which cannot be ignored.

3. Comparison of production efficiency

The second-hand inkjet printer needs to be shut down for inspection and maintenance when it fails. The product needs to be manually inspected and reworked because of the machine failure and poor printing. The labor cost and the material cost of the reworked product cannot be ignored. How to calculate whether the delay in the delivery period caused by the shutdown will have a significant impact on the customer's order? If the customer is lost due to the delay in the delivery of the customer's order, it will be a small loss. We cannot take such a risk.

Based on the above three points, in the end, the customer listened to our persuasion and bought a new inkjet printer. We cannot afford the consequences of buying a second-hand inkjet printer. For more knowledge about inkjet printers, welcome to inquire about technology, we will provide you with objective and reliable suggestions.

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An interesting website that contains directions (and recommends items) for cij printer expiry date printing machine is Leadtech Coding. Find us on Leadtech Coding, your problem will be fixed.

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