
Leading Manufacturer in the Coding & Marking Industry since 2011.

Laser engraving laser machine is not clear how to do?

In laser laser machine operation process will encounter the following problems, such as laser laser engraving machine fuzzy not clear what reason be? If your laser laser engraving machine, there are many reasons may cause the laser laser engraving machine is not clear. Laser laser engraving is not clear that the cause and the solution is as follows: laser engraving laser machine is not clear why 1, lens is dirty. Use cotton with alcohol, graze field lens, beam expander, fully half the lens. Laser laser engraving is not clear why 2, marking too fast. Reduce the marking speed, increase the packing density. Laser laser engraving is not clear why 3, the focal length is not correct. Adjust the focal length, to confirm the workpiece are in focus. Laser laser engraving is not clear why did not open or 4, laser power supply current is too small. Open the power supply current, or increase to the power supply current to a certain extent. Laser laser engraving is not clear why 5, light path slants away. Adjust the light path to the best state. Laser laser engraving is not clear why 6, the service life of the laser module. Replace the laser module laser engraving laser machine is not clear why 7, to reduce the marking speed, change the way of filling. And artifacts are the focal point, to adjust the focus. Through these methods, if still can't solve the problem, massage please contact laser laser products factory, professional technicians will quickly solve the problem for you.

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