
Leading Manufacturer in the Coding & Marking Industry since 2011.

Laser marking appear dislocation phenomenon reason?

In the process of laser marking, occasionally appear up and down, left and right sides is error and so on each kind of marking, this is the root cause of the marking effect. If there is a mismatch, where to start out? Dislocation phenomenon in a laser marking method 1. Check the ground wire connection is correct. Dislocation phenomenon in a laser marking method 2. Check mark software is correct. Dislocation phenomenon in a laser marking method 3. Check whether the software parameters is set up correctly. Dislocation phenomenon in a laser marking method 4. Check the size of the screw clearance, and light the way whether fastening screws is loose. Dislocation phenomenon in a laser marking method 5. Check mark on the machine spindle drag chain is connecting with the machine control box of poor contact. Dislocation phenomenon in a laser marking method 6. If the water-cooled spindle motor at the top of the coupling is loose or damaged, please check or tighten by hand. 7 dislocation phenomenon in a laser marking method. Whether there is a computer virus or other incompatible program? Usually suggest reinstall the system. Dislocation phenomenon in a laser marking method 8. If the connection to the marking machine voltage is too low, error will occur. Suggestions according to the data provided by the manufacturer to choose voltage. You can also add regulator. 9 dislocation phenomenon in a laser marking method. If there is a problem, the appearance of the drive itself will not be aligned. This is most likely to happen. Sometimes you can properly sculpture, which means that the driver did not completely damaged. This needs to be repaired or replacement drive.

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