
Leading Manufacturer in the Coding & Marking Industry since 2011.

Laser marking machine imported and domestically produced laser marking machine is how to choose?

About laser marking machine imported and domestically produced laser marking machine, the difference between on the user's mind it was generally supposed that imported laser marking machine effect than domestic laser marking machine effect is good. In fact this is a manifestation of. . . . . . , even is a kind of prejudice. Ten years, I have laser industry rapid development, laser marking machines made in China is not to lose to imported laser marking machine. For example, fiber laser marking machine, fiber laser technology is already very mature, in theory, and the service life of imported laser marking machine is 100000 hours, with 7 - almost Eight years, and also can work normally. On the market, is famous for its imported laser marking machine, Germany imported laser marking machine, three important parts mainly: the German interpublic fiber coupled laser pulse, SCLINB high-speed galvanometer laser simulation, Germany smliangt operating software interface card. Germany imported laser marking machine is the price of the domestic laser marking machine 3 - 5 times. So in domestic laser marking machine has been mature today, no need to spend more money to buy imported laser marking machine, laser marking machines made in China because can completely meet your production application. Laser marking machine imported and domestically produced laser marking pause, please inquire the laser professional sales engineers.

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