
Leading Manufacturer in the Coding & Marking Industry since 2011.

Laser marking machine makes your jewelry more loving

Today, the editor will talk to you about the relevant knowledge of laser marking machine.

It is the nature of every woman to love beauty, and jewelry is an indispensable decoration for women. When shopping for jewelry, texture, color, appearance, workmanship and uniqueness are all factors to be considered when shopping.

Because jewelry mostly uses expensive raw materials such as gold, silver, platinum, diamonds, etc., the requirements for the production process are also very high. Laser marking machine as a processing equipment, because of its unique advantages, has become a large number of jewelry processing manufacturers.

The laser marking machine marks words on the ring.

The characteristics of the laser marking machine are very suitable for achieving abrasion resistance marking on the surface of precious and small jewelry such as rings and necklaces.

In today’s jewelry market, personalized markings are favored by customers, such as marking jewelry with special meaning text, blessings and personality Patterning, etc.

In addition, the laser marking machine can also achieve various markings on the surface of most materials such as copper, stainless steel, silver, and gold.

Laser marking Outstanding advantages of the machine

1. The marking speed is fast, the efficiency is high, the batch processing time of the workpiece is short, and the profit per unit time and a single product is maximized;


2. The fiber laser has a long service life, stable laser output power, high reliability, and 100,000 hours of maintenance-free;

3. High electro-optical conversion rate, no power coupling loss, no consumables, saving operating costs for customers.

The above is the relevant knowledge about the laser marking machine that the editor wants to share with you, I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

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