
Leading Manufacturer in the Coding & Marking Industry since 2011.

Laser marking machine out light strong with the weak power unstable reason and solution

Laser marking machine strong with the weak power at the time of the light is not stable for many reasons, common reason has the following several ways, in this list the problems one by one to you as well as the detailed solution, solution: marking speed too fast, slow marking speed, type fuzzy, to adjust the focal length, the most bright and round, such as a line still, please phone immediately notify manufacturer. 。 。 Laser marking machine strong with the weak power at the time of the light is not stable for many reasons, common reason has the following several ways, in this list the problems one by one to you as well as the detailed solution, solution: marking speed too fast, slow marking speed, type fuzzy, to adjust the focal length, the most bright and round, such as a line still, please phone immediately notify manufacturer. 。 。 Laser marking machine strong with the weak power at the time of the light is not stable for many reasons, common reason has the following several ways, in this list the problems one by one to you as well as the detailed solution, solution: marking speed too fast, slow marking speed, type fuzzy, to adjust the focal length, the most bright and round, such as a line still, please phone immediately notify manufacturer. 。 。 Laser marking machine strong with the weak power at the time of the light is not stable for many reasons, common reason has the following several ways, in this list the problems one by one to you as well as the detailed solution, solution: marking speed too fast, slow marking speed, type fuzzy, to adjust the focal length, the most bright and round, such as a line still, please phone immediately notify manufacturer. 。 。

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IntroductionLaser marking is a popular technique used in various industries to create permanent, high-quality marks on a wide range of materials.
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