
Leading Manufacturer in the Coding & Marking Industry since 2011.

Laser marking machine price? How much is one

Z recently received a lot of calls from customers and wanted to inquire, and said that he was very happy, because our company's laser marking machine has been recognized by the market, its popularity has become more and more popular, and it has gained everyone's attention. It is essential to inquire The question is: How much does a laser marking machine cost? In fact, everyone understands that the product configuration must be behind the price. The editor will explain this common problem here.

Generally speaking, the decisive factor for the price of laser marking machine is the choice of laser. Different lasers have different prices, but the specific price difference is not large, ranging from 2000-3000. (Excluding the price of imported lasers); followed by: galvanometer, field mirror, board, software, computer, laser marking machine cabinet, etc. There is also a gap in price; then there is the assembly process, technical aspects, such as whether the optical path is correct, whether it is adjusted to a better state, etc., for example: For example, the charges of a car 4s shop are quite different from the price of a roadside auto repair shop. Because the quality service is good, users can rest assured.

The non-standard automatic laser marking machine is configured according to the customer's marking technical requirements. The difference, the configuration of different laser marking machines is not the same, the price must be very different. This difference is at least 10,000 yuan or more, because the achieved production efficiency is different.

The common power of laser marking machine is 20W, 30W, 50W, and the price of 30W laser marking machine is higher than that of 20W laser marking machine (about 3,000 yuan higher), because the power is higher, if you use the same power, speed and other products of the same material, the 30W laser marking machine will have better marking effect. The price of 20W laser marking machine manufacturers is about 18,000 to 30,000, and the price of 30W laser marking machine manufacturers is about 28,000 to 40,000. If you need to configure a quotation as soon as possible, you can contact the online customer service staff, and they will provide you with professional quotation service.

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