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Laser marking machine-violet laser marking machine-flying laser marking machine-laser marking machine

How much do you know about laser marking machine and laser engraving machine? Do you know the difference between them? How to choose between laser marking machine and laser engraving machine? Laser engraving machine generally has deeper engraving depth and higher power . The laser power varies from 25W to 150W. The depth of the engraving material also ranges from 0.1 mm to 80 mm, and the depth of the engraving depends on the specific material. Generally, wood products, sponges, acrylic and other materials have a relatively deep carving depth.

The general printing depth of laser marking machines is less than 5mm, and the laser power is between 10W and 100W. There are currently three different types of laser marking machines. 1. Optical fiber marking machine for metal materials; 2. Carbon dioxide marking machine for non-metallic materials; 3. Ultraviolet marking machine for high-precision products. The processing size is about 200*200mm.

Laser engraving machine is a laser equipment that uses laser to engrave and cut the material that needs to be engraved. It is also called laser cutting machine, laser engraving machine, etc., which is different from mechanical engraving machine. , It uses the heat energy of the laser to engrave the material. The laser engraving machine can engrave in a large stroke size, and it can also cut, and the engraving depth is far more than that of the laser marking machine.

The speed of laser marking machine is much faster than laser engraving machine, generally can reach 5000 mm/s-7000mm/s. The accuracy and speed of the marking machine are much higher than that of the engraving machine. The laser can act on the surface of the material with a thin beam, and the thin line width can reach 0.02mm. It creates a broad application space for fine processing and increasing anti-counterfeiting functions.

In summary, their difference is about four points:

1. Different job definitions

The laser marking machine uses a laser beam to evaporate the surface material to expose the deep material, which leads to the chemical change of the surface material and the physical change. Mark, or burn part of the material through light energy to show the pattern and text that need to be etched.

Laser engraving machine is a laser equipment that uses laser to engrave and cut the material that needs to be engraved. It is also called laser cutting machine, laser engraving machine, etc., which is different from mechanical engraving machine. , It uses the heat energy of the laser to engrave the material.

2. The applied materials are different.

Laser engraving machines are generally used for engraving or cutting non-metallic materials, and laser marking machines are generally It is not used for deep engraving. It only needs to engrave the content of the logo. It can be marked on most metal and non-metal materials.

3. Different depth and speed

Laser engraving machine can engrave in a large stroke size, or it can cut and engrave The depth far exceeds the laser marking machine; and the speed of the laser marking machine is much faster than that of the laser engraving machine, generally reaching 5000 mm/s -7000 mm/s.

4. Lasers and prices are different

The optical system part of the laser engraving machine is composed of three reflective lenses and one Composed of focusing mirror, the laser is generally a carbon dioxide glass tube. However, there are many types of lasers in laser marking machines, including fiber lasers, carbon dioxide lasers and so on.

The price of laser marking machine is different due to the different materials of the model, and the corresponding models selected due to different materials are also different. The price ranges from tens of thousands to tens of thousands. Ten thousand; non-metal laser engraving and cutting machine, the price of low power is much cheaper than laser marking machine.

Currently on the market There are also many types of laser marking machines, such as fiber laser marking machines, CO2 laser marking machines, UV laser marking machines, etc., but their prices are also different for different configurations. For more information, please consult Sign Technology Co., Ltd.

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