
Leading Manufacturer in the Coding & Marking Industry since 2011.

Maintenance knowledge of inkjet printer nozzles

The nozzle is one of the important parts of the cij printer, and the quality of the printed font is also closely related to the nozzle. Therefore, the nozzle is very important, so how to maintain the nozzle is very important for the cij printer. 1. Keep the nozzle clean. Whether the position of the nozzle is kept clean is a key factor in the life of the nozzle. The hole of the nozzle's ink line is only 60 microns, which is very small. If the ink remains for a long time and the small hole is blocked and cannot be cleared, the nozzle must be replaced, so it is very important to keep the nozzle clean. 2. The nozzle should be placed carefully and do not drop. Most of the nozzles are made of gemstones and are easily broken, and the nozzles are installed in the nozzles. If the nozzles are dropped, the chance of breaking the nozzles is very high. Therefore, the nozzle should be handled gently to protect the nozzle. 3. If there is a problem with the nozzle, it is possible to find the inkjet printer nozzles of the maintenance staff can be dismantled and some are not possible, but no matter whether it can be dismantled or not, you should not dismantle yourself for repair. Personnel maintenance. The editor of 'Knowledge on Maintenance of Nozzles' is here to share. I hope to help users. If you have any questions or problems, please contact us! Contact number: 020-87227827, toll free number:.

Whenever you grab your remote and turn on the TV, there are numerous ads promoting cij printer and offering for expiry date printing machine extracts, which are said to boost date coding machine.

LEAD TECH Technology Co., Ltd. works hard to enhance continuously our reputation for accessibility, professionalism, performance, and the depth and quality of our long-term consultative relationships with clients.

There are different types of , mainly date printing machine and expiry date printing machine.

date coding machine cij printer are used largely for date printing machine such as expiry date printing machine.

These date coding machine cij printer have made the life easier. The best feature of the is its date printing machine.

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