
Leading Manufacturer in the Coding & Marking Industry since 2011.

Market price of flying UV laser marking machine

UV laser marking machine is a marking equipment used in the high-end market of ultra-fine processing. With the gradual expansion of the application field, the standard desktop UV laser marking machine is difficult to meet the market demand. An online flying UV laser marking machine.

The flying UV laser marking machine is specially used in the production line. Compared with the ordinary static UV laser marking machine, the flying UV laser marking machine has a faster marking speed. Fast, in terms of appearance, the column of the flying UV laser marking machine is longer, and the marking head can move in a wider range.

The online flying UV laser marking machine has higher requirements for speed, so the marking machine also has higher requirements for accessories. Both the galvanometer and the galvanometer need to be efficient and fast, so in terms of cost, the price of a flying UV laser marking machine is definitely higher than that of a static desktop UV laser marking machine. The price of the standard machine is about 36,000-40,000 yuan.

Remind all friends who are interested in buying flying UV laser marking machines to pay attention to the main accessories brand, shelf life, training and other related details when looking at the manufacturer's quotation. If you want to know more Other models of UV laser marking machines can also be consulted by our online customer service staff.

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