
Fabricante líder na codificação & Indústria de marcação desde 2011.

Business type of LEAD TECH

LEAD TECH Technology Co., Ltd. is a small and medium-sized inkjet coding machine manufacturer manufacturer in China. A manufacturing business combines raw materials, labor, and factory overhead in its production process. The manufactured goods will then be sold to customers. Our company operates under a clean environment and the strictest quality control. Our ongoing pursuit of "customer satisfaction" encourages us to take up the challenge of the "next."

LEAD TECH is unquestionably among the professional manufacturers of producing cij printer. cij printer series manufactured by LEAD TECH include multiple types. And the products shown below belong to this type. cij inkjet printer is applied to ensuring cij printer to be of great durability and stability. The product has a very sensitive and high precise scanner, which ensures high distinguishability. The product illuminates in a specific direction. It does not require an additional reflection or reorientation system to prevent light loss. The product has been certified under CE.

With the support of professional team, LEAD TECH has won much recognition. Inquire!

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Tel: (+86)-0756 7255629
Acrescentar Escritório: Piso 3/4, Edifício 1, Nº. 728, Jinhu Road, cidade de Sanzao, distrito de Jinwan, cidade de Zhuhai
Copyright © 2025 LEAD TECH (ZHUHAI) ELECTRONIC CO.,LTD - www.leadtech.ltd  | Mapa do site
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