
Fabricante líder na codificação & Indústria de marcação desde 2011.

Can LEAD TECH provide certificate of origin for cij printer ?

We can provide the certificate of origin for cij printer if required. The certificate of origin generally contains information regarding the product, its destination, and the country of export. It is an important form because it can help determine whether certain goods are eligible to import or whether goods are subject to duties. If you need the certificate of origin and have some special requirements, in case of any delivery delay, please notify us in advance, at lease before shipment. We may need some time to prepare the document.

LEAD TECH Technology Co., Ltd. is a worldwide cij printer manufacturer. laser printing machine series manufactured by LEAD TECH include multiple types. And the products shown below belong to this type. This product has the advantage of high precision. Its self-diagnostic performance guarantees the accuracy and correctness of its operation. Constructed with aluminum materials, it has a robust and hard structure. From design to installation for laser printing machine, we will provide detailed guide and help. With user interface design, the product has a simple and refreshing operation.

LEAD TECH strives to realize the corporate mission of 'providing professional laser printing machine products and services'. Welcome to visit our factory!

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