
Fabricante líder na codificação & Indústria de marcação desde 2011.

How about LEAD TECH independent R&D capabilities?

LEAD TECH Technology Co., Ltd.'s research and development capabilities are excellent in the segment. We have an independent R&D department dedicated to extensive R&D activities from basic research to product development. We contribute to the advancement of the industry through R&D activities carried out in facilities equipped with state-of-the-art equipment and innovative ideas.

LEAD TECH is a nationwide high-tech enterprise and a world-famous cij printer producer. cij printer series manufactured by LEAD TECH include multiple types. And the products shown below belong to this type. The newly launched products by LEAD TECH were all completed by the internationally renowned design company. This product can highlight the differences and features of printed things. This product has the required hardness. It can withstand the tedious work required while achieving continuous dynamic accuracy and repeatability. With enough memory, the product has a large printing capacity.

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