
Fabricante líder na codificação & Indústria de marcação desde 2011.

Where to get help if batch code printing machine gets problem during the use?

At LEAD TECH Technology Co., Ltd., we have established an after-sales service team which is responsible for keeping close contact with customers and dealing with relevant problems occurred after products sale. If batch code printing machine can't work normally, please be rest assured that we have formulated solutions to cope with this problem. If the fault in the product is caused due to non-human damages or misuse, and more the product is still under warranty, then we are responsible for repairing the product or delivering a new one to you for free. If the fault is caused by improper use, then it would be different.

As a globally renowned maker of laser printing machine, LEAD TECH is exceptionally trustworthy. cij printer series manufactured by LEAD TECH include multiple types. And the products shown below belong to this type. The fabric of this product is hypoallergenic for the reason that it is free of any materials that can cause allergic reactions. With enough memory, the product has a large printing capacity. LEAD TECH will make full preparation for outer package of cij printer. This product can highlight the differences and features of printed things.

The service of our team has helped it win many customers. Get more info!

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