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Which industrial inkjet coding printer company doing OBM?

Among the businesses of OEM, ODM, OBM, OBM is the most demanding one. It means that OBM produces and sells products under its own brand. This can't be achieved without the support of a sound marketing network, sales channel construction, and excellent technical staff. Also, the target customers of OBM are different from those of ODM and OEM. So in China now, there are a less number of manufacturers of inkjet coding printer providing OBM service. However, many companies are striving to establish their own brands and develop their own capabilities, trying to become a qualified OBM provider.

LEAD TECH Technology Co., Ltd. has been committed to manufacturing laser printing machine since established. cij printer series manufactured by LEAD TECH include multiple types. And the products shown below belong to this type. cij printer from LEAD TECH adopts a new type of cij inkjet printer material. This product is available with all-in-one functionality, including printing, copying, and faxing. cij printer in LEAD TECH is all of high quality. This product consumes little energy, which helps save running costs.

we has been sticking to offering the high quality customer service. Inquire now!

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