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Reasons and solutions for the power drop of fiber laser marking machine

Fiber laser marking machine is the current mainstream marking equipment. It burns part of the material on the surface of various materials through a laser beam. After the surface material evaporates, the deep material is exposed. The desired pattern or text is etched on the surface. Fiber laser marking machine can process a variety of metal and non-metal materials, especially for high hardness, high melting point, and brittle materials.

After long-term use, the fiber laser marking machine may sometimes experience power drop and attenuation. What are the reasons for this phenomenon? How to solve it?

First of all, we need to check whether the power supply of the marking machine is stable and whether the current reaches the rated working current.

Whether the mirror surface of the fiber laser collimation output mirror is contaminated, you can try to wipe it with a cotton swab dipped in absolute ethanol, and be careful not to scratch the mirror film layer.

Check whether other optical lenses are polluted. The red beam combiner, galvanometer and field lens can all be checked.

Another situation is that the power of the laser is attenuated due to the normal working time, usually after 2 hours of use, there will be a certain degree of power attenuation, which generally will not affect the normal operation. marking work.

It is also possible that the output light is blocked. Check the place where the laser outputs light to see if the light is smooth. When installing, make sure that the output of the isolator is connected to the galvanometer. The mouth is on the same horizontal interface.

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