
Leading Manufacturer in the Coding & Marking Industry since 2011.

Significance of coding on liquor packaging

When it comes to liquor, people must have a lot of brands in their minds, whether they are local or high-end, and there are even classmates who can come up with a lot of ancient famous sayings, 'Li Baidoujiu

Hundred poems, Chang’an city’s restaurant and house sleepIn my impression, the wine is the fragrance of the year, the more it tastes, the more it tastes, unlike other products, you need to pay attention to the retention period, production date and the like. The editor still wants to ask today

Ask everyone, have you paid attention to the printing on the packaging of liquor? What's the point of these coding?

1. Establish the personalized features of the product. Displaying the unique personality of the product through packaging is the key for wine companies to win consumers

2. In order to prevent counterfeiting in the same industry and effectively manage regional sales. Manufacturers will use high-tech anti-counterfeiting methods to identify their products. Coding marking has been widely used in the wine industry due to its unique non-paintable anti-counterfeiting

Third, prevent the problem of counterfeit and inferior liquor and the crossover between regions. This problem once made the majority of wine companies very 'hotRubbing, so the problem of fleeing goods continues to be repeatedly banned. In response to this situation, in accordance with the strategic goals and production needs of wine customers, a wine QR code printing system was launched. The principle is that the company generates anti-counterfeiting information through software. The dimensional code can then be printed on the wine label through the cij printer.

Consumers can easily distinguish the authenticity by scanning the code with their mobile phone, thereby enabling manufacturers While maintaining the interests of distributors, it also stabilized the market.


The business covers more than 30 countries on five continents. Satisfy all customer needs of industrial coding, and at the same time is committed to simple operation and to meet the special requirements of customers

, to provide a full range of identification solutions. Its solution is economical and practical, low cost of use, simple maintenance, excellent performance and reliable operation.

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This can benefit Leadtech Coding by helping it target those investors and consumers who are specifically interested in its type of product or service.

Based on the cij printer, here are the top compliance challenges businesses face, and what you can do to make them easier on ourselves.

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