
Leading Manufacturer in the Coding & Marking Industry since 2011.

Take you to understand the common faults and solutions of inkjet printers (dry goods)

Technology takes you to understand the common faults and solutions of cij printers (dry goods)

1. High voltage fault problem

Analysis of specific reasons: a. There is a foreign body hitting the high-voltage deflection plate. b. The high pressure deflection plate is not clean. c. High pressure sensor detection is too sensitive.

Solution: a&b Clean the high-pressure deflector, blow dry and then normal ink lines will do. c. If this is the case, it is very likely that high voltage faults will be reported from time to time, but the deflection plate is very clean.

2. Charging failure problem

Analysis of specific reasons: a. There is ink on the charging slot; b. The problem of fault detection of charging ink dots

Treatment method: a. Turn off the printer (including the power supply) and clean the charging slot. The charging slot can be removed for cleaning if necessary. After cleaning thoroughly, wait for the charging tank to dry before re-inking.

b. There should be many causes of this fault problem, starting with the ink first. Determine the viscosity of the ink, the shelf life, and of course the quality of the ink, and then observe the split, detect the pressure of the ink circuit, adjust the voltage, and make appropriate adjustments to make the split good. This problem can usually be solved. It is also possible that the charging slot itself is damaged.

3. The reason for the missing characters is that some ink dots fall on the edge of the recycling tube, causing the recycling tube to hang ink (the recycling tube accumulates ink)

Analysis of specific reasons: a. Is there a specification for the position of the ink line? b. Is the splitting of ink dots normal? c. Is the ink normal? d. Is the grounding of the printer effective (often ignored by customers and some engineers), grounding is very important, and the consequences are very serious!

4. The problem of recovery tube failure is that the recovery tube sensor does not detect that there is ink flowing through the recovery tube.

Analysis of specific reasons: a. The ink line is abnormal (no ink line is ejected at all, or the ink line is skewed). b. The recovery line is blocked. c. The recovery sensor is damaged or not connected


a. Detect the ink supply path. Clean the printing module and do the ink line adjustment operation.

b. The recovery pipe is blocked, and the blockage position of the recovery pipe can be detected in sections.

c. Check whether the sensor interface of the recycling tube on the motherboard is not installed properly. Replace the recovery tube sensor.

5. The problem of ink viscosity failure is caused by the unqualified BFT value of ink viscosity. In some cases, the device can operate normally. But some testing has to be done. Otherwise, it is very likely that after running for a certain period of time, it will not be able to print normally.

Analysis of specific reasons: a. The current value of ink BFT is greater than the set value of ink BFT. Ink viscosity is too high. b. The current value of ink BFT is less than the set value of ink BFT. Ink viscosity is too low.

Processing method:

a. Check whether there is any solvent in the solvent tank. Check whether the solvent addition circuit is normal.

b. If there are multiple ink lines in a short period of time, shut down. If it is not switched on and off multiple times in a lot of time. It should be checked whether the solvent addition circuit is normal.

The above are the common faults and solutions of inkjet printers organized by Technology for you. Technology has been focusing on the inkjet marking industry for 20 years. It has a group of experienced engineers. Any cij printer maintenance problems can be easily solved. Welcome to inquire at any time. !

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LEAD TECH Technology Co., Ltd. aligns itself with customers as partners to assist them in achieving their goals and objectives.

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