
Leading Manufacturer in the Coding & Marking Industry since 2011.

The life of fiber laser marking machine | how many years can it be used

Many users will ask when purchasing a laser marking machine: the life of the fiber laser marking machine | How many years can it be used?

The laser editor will lead you to analyze: According to the power of 20W, the life of the laser laboratory is 100,000 hours: 8 hours a day, 365 days a year, 100000÷8u003d12500 days, 12500 ÷ 365 u003d 34 years, which is a scary number. Plus laser loss attenuation calculated at 50%, 17 years. Considering that after the laser is attenuated, the work efficiency is greatly reduced, or the laser intensity cannot keep up. At this time, it is necessary to consider replacing. Or come out high-tech again, and need to replace better equipment.

According to the experience of most laser customers, a 20W fiber laser marking machine is a problem for 8-10 years of normal use No. Friendly reminder: Follow the correct operation and use method, and be sure to follow the marked ground wire. Laser focus: The research and development of non-standard automatic laser marking machines saves labor, reduces costs, and better adapts to the needs of users. At the same time to provide external: laser marking and processing services. Address: No. 107, Yanyang Road, Chengyang District (East Gate of Agricultural University), Tel: 18663960188 17660995317 WeChat account.

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