
Leading Manufacturer in the Coding & Marking Industry since 2011.

The Spring Festival approaching, companies don't have an plan late - custom t-shirts

When it comes to the festival atmosphere enterprise t-shirts, first think of is & other; Red & throughout; 。 Red considered lucky red, annual red indicates in the New Year, enterprises, public, business and possessions is thriving! Activities can not only apply colours to a drawing atmosphere, more memorable, bonanza xi, full of meaning. Red enterprise t-shirts to wear well, it is chic, times add spirits, wear is bad is the northeast on kang beaming holidays. Want to avoid too hard and make t-shirts from exterior to interior are close to the enterprise culture & amp; The pursuit of corporate philosophy. The key lies in the designing of t-shirts, with the most quality design touched your heart. In the case of digital jet printing machine, personalized custom t-shirts is better. No color type many restrictions, no plate-making, tinted, registration. Textile is environmentally friendly water-based ink, optional print can reach grade photo printing effect, not to mention you can also print color gradients and complex pattern, t-shirts are customization enterprise small artifact. Digital jet printing machine to print color is, the pattern is clear, than silk screen printing practical and environmental protection, feel is better than heat transfer custom clothing. A printed, which is play and play, can be batch customization, personality customization enterprise culture shirt is your good choice.

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IntroductionLaser marking has emerged as a widely popular method for ensuring precise and permanent markings on various materials.
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IntroductionLaser marking is a popular technique used in various industries to create permanent, high-quality marks on a wide range of materials.
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