
Leading Manufacturer in the Coding & Marking Industry since 2011.

UV laser marking machine for glass and plastic

Now, China's laser technology has made a big leap.

In this issue, the editor will introduce the ultraviolet laser marking machine, which is a product of the laser marking machine series, which is developed by using a 355nm ultraviolet laser.

The following is an analysis of common problems of UV laser marking machines. Interested friends will discuss it with the editor!

1. Where is the UV laser marking machine used?

Suitable for automobiles, motorcycle bodies, automobile frames, automobile chassis, engines, mechanical parts, machine tools, metal pipes, gears, pump bodies, valves and various hardness plastic products.

2. What materials can the UV laser marking machine mark?

Can mark materials such as steel, stainless steel, iron, copper, aluminum and plastic.

3. What is the marking content of the UV laser marking machine?

Alphanumeric information, date matrix or dot matrix QR code, shift code, barcode, serial number, date, VIN code, time, letters, graphics, logos, graphics, etc.

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[拓展名称] include a great variety of devices with a wide range of complexity: from simple date printing machine used since prehistoric times to the complex of modern mechanized date coding machine.

While expiry date printing machine, date printing machine cij printer can help achieve high accuracy._x000D_

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