
Leading Manufacturer in the Coding & Marking Industry since 2011.

What are the requirements for the egg printer?

The application range of inkjet printers is also more and more extensive. Now there are various patterns, production dates, area codes and other information on eggs in supermarkets. This is the application of cij printers in the egg industry. Why does the coding work of eggs fall on the small character cij printer? Today, the cij printer manufacturer will come to interpret it for you. 1. Food grade ink

The ink used for egg coding is food-grade ink that meets the standards of the State Food and Drug Administration, and it is safe to use for egg coding. This edible ink is non-toxic, harmless, odorless, non-corrosive, has low adhesion, and will not cause any damage to the human body. It is a normal phenomenon that it dissolves in water when heated.

2. Safety traceability and brand building People take food as their priority, and the safety of food eaten in the stomach is of course the first priority. Food Leadtech Coding systems have become an important part of food safety supervision. 3. The printing speed is fast and the small character cij printer can print up to 300 meters per minute in a single line; if it is matched with a conveyor belt, it can greatly improve the printing efficiency and effectively improve the production capacity of the enterprise. Fourth, small and lightweight Small character cij printers are usually small in size, making it easy to integrate into enterprise production lines. It is more convenient in daily use and maintenance, whether in egg Leadtech Coding production line or in special applications.

If you are looking for an effective and safe way to take care of date printing machine, then cij printer expiry date printing machine are the best bet.

If you would like to learn more about , be sure to visit Leadtech Coding for more information!

This is especially true when LEAD TECH Technology Co., Ltd. have got a global business that's building bridges between manufacturers and customers across the globe.

We believe in keeping the customers happy and providing them with cij printer at a very competent price.

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