
Leading Manufacturer in the Coding & Marking Industry since 2011.

What are the requirements for using inkjet printer ink?

The inks that are commonly used in inkjet printers generally have the characteristics of high viscosity and easy condensation. In the actual operation of daily work, if we do not handle it carefully, stand by abnormally or shut down for a long time, it is very likely that the nozzle and the acquisition tank in the nozzle will be blocked by the condensed ink. Pass. What are the requirements for using the ink of the inkjet printer? If the solution is not immediate, it may even cause damage to the nozzles worth tens of thousands of yuan, and the adverse effects are very serious. We must pay attention to the following aspects in the usual practical operation to ensure the normal fluidity of the inkjet printer ink and the smooth and efficient operation of the cij printer. 1. Avoid open flames, and do not smoke or use fire around the printer. Inks and solvents used in cij printers are classified as flammable chemicals.

2. Wear protective equipment, such as goggles, protective masks, rubber gloves, etc. If solvent and ink are accidentally splashed into your eyes, please immediately clean your eyes with cold water for at least ten minutes.

3. According to the basic principle of the inkjet printer, the overall body of the inkjet printer should have a reliable grounding device. You can find the electric welder in the corresponding equipment department of each unit to carry out accurate measurement and determine the electricity consumption after installation. 4. When shutting down for a long time or during daily maintenance and cleaning, pay attention to switching the printer that has been printing to the status of suspending printing or shutting down, and then gently dry it with bubbles before repairing it to printing. printing conditions to avoid common failures. Be careful not to blow the sketch line. 5. The printer can be moved at will. When you have to transport the printer, or adjust the printing part, what are the requirements for using the ink of the printer? The key is to maintain the level of the overall body and the maintenance of the printhead to avoid ink leakage and damage to the printhead. 6. When you stop using the printer, you must first press the power button to turn off the printer, and then check whether the nozzle is clean. If the nozzle is not clean, it can be cleaned with solvent before standby, which can reasonably ensure the reliability of the next automatic switch on and off. Both the cij printer ink and the cij printer solvent are classified as hazardous chemicals, which have the characteristics of flammability, corrosion, and irritating taste. Therefore, we must effectively solve the cleaning agent or solvent waste water or damage the ink. and distribution, in line with ecological environment protection.

For business owners unsure of how to effectively incorporate new technology into our cij printer, life may have just become a little easier.

LEAD TECH Technology Co., Ltd. offers best-in-class products, fast delivery time, and personable, highly competent, and unparalleled services.

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