
Leading Manufacturer in the Coding & Marking Industry since 2011.

What aspects should be paid attention to in the daily maintenance of the inkjet printer

We all know that in the process of using the cij printer, if the daily maintenance is not in time and in place, various failures are prone to occur, which will cause a lot of inconvenience to production! Therefore, the daily maintenance and maintenance of the printer is very important. So, what aspects should be paid attention to in the daily maintenance of the inkjet printer? 1. Regular inspection and maintenance of the inkjet printer. Check the ink and solvent level every day, check the ink level and the solvent level; if the level is too low, it must be added in time according to the procedure. The ink bottle should not be overfilled when adding ink. If the ink is overfilled, it will cause precipitation and waste consumables and affect print quality. 2. The printer is down for a long time. Any one stop, no matter the length of time, as long as the printer is turned on and run 2-3 times a week, and each time the ink line is turned on, it runs for one hour, so that several short stops can be used instead of long periods. The downtime of time. 3. Handling and placement of cij printers In principle, only one cij printer can be placed on each production line. If required for production, another inkjet printer with different ink colors can be placed.

is frequently used by people in daily life since it can improve date printing machine and expiry date printing machine.

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A quality monitoring group created for ensuring that LEAD TECH Technology Co., Ltd. manufactures cij printer accoording the strictest standard.

In various different types of date coding machine, date printing machine cij printer is one of the most commonly used.

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