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What aspects should be paid attention to when using ink for small character inkjet printers

What aspects should be paid attention to when using ink for small character cij printers

The selection of ink for small character inkjet printers requires strict adherence to the following three points.

1. The inks of different manufacturers are not interchangeable. There are strict specifications for ink standards in the design process of small character inkjet printers. Such as viscosity, density, conductivity, drying time, adhesion, corrosion, PH value, etc. should be within the corresponding range, the inks of different manufacturers are not universal. Therefore, manufacturers of inkjet printers will tell users that if they use inks that are not approved by the company, similar results will occur with unqualified inks, and they will not be guaranteed.

2. Different types of inks are not interchangeable. Different types of inkjet printer inks have different base materials, dyes, etc. Therefore, different types of inks are not interchangeable. Once used, different inks are prone to physical or chemical reactions to produce deposits. Then, the damage to the small character inkjet printer is very serious. In other words, the ink circuit system of the small character inkjet printer is basically completely scrapped.

3. Overdue ink and new ink are not interchangeable. The production date and expiration date are marked on the ink label of the small character cij printer. Once the expiration date is exceeded, the quality of the ink will be affected, and some inks may not be used normally. Therefore, when choosing ink, you must check whether it is within the expiration date. In addition, once the printing effect decreases during use, it is also necessary to see whether it is caused by the overdue ink. Once it's long overdue, be sure to update with new inks. Note that the original ink should be properly disposed of and cannot be used interchangeably with the new ink.

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