
Leading Manufacturer in the Coding & Marking Industry since 2011.

What equipment is used for marking and lettering of mineral water beverages and other outer packaging

In the hot summer, the temperature in Wuhan is approaching 39 degrees and 40 degrees these days. Of course, the essential item for going out is mineral water. Now there are many types of mineral water, but we need to pay attention to the information on the mineral water bottle when buying. Production date, then, by what is this date engraved?

Today, Xiaobian will introduce to you a device used in the packaging of mineral water, beverages and other outer bottles - CO2 laser label machine.

The CO2 laser marking machine adopts non-contact laser processing, which solves various drawbacks of traditional marking equipment. The marking on the CO2 laser marking machine not only has a clear pattern, but also It is wear-resistant and does not require any consumables. Through computer software, various graphics, text or logos can be edited at will, which is more convenient to use.

The CO2 laser marking machine has a very wide range of applications, such as mineral water bottles, various beverage packaging, plastic bottle caps, leather tags, wooden handicrafts, etc. The marking machine can mark the pattern on it very well.

In addition, the CO2 laser marking machine can be customized, and the manufacturer designs the CO2 laser marking machine suitable for assembly line production according to the requirements, and the marking speed is also greatly improved. , greatly improving the marking production efficiency of mineral water bottles, beverages and other outer packaging.

Recommended model: co2 laser marking machine

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