
Leading Manufacturer in the Coding & Marking Industry since 2011.

What factors affect the marking speed of a metal laser marking machine? -

The purpose of the metal fiber laser marking machine is to bring higher production efficiency to the enterprise and create higher value. So how to improve the marking speed of the fiber laser marking machine? 1. The main factors affecting the metal fiber laser marking machine are divided into two aspects: internal factors and workpieces. The internal factors are mainly laser frequency, laser spot mode and beam divergence angle, laser power, reasonable optical shaping and auxiliary gas material during processing. The internal factors are mainly paid attention to when selecting the models, and the laser engineer’s advice should be followed to purchase. Another factor is mainly marking density, marking area, marking depth and spot size. 2. Marking density of metal fiber laser marking machine:

In the same format, same spot and same depth, the higher the marking density, the slower the marking speed, because the density directly increases the marking. Area.

3. Marking depth of the metal fiber laser marking machine: If the marking depth is deepened, adjust the parameters of the fiber laser marking machine to increase the power and current of the fiber laser marking machine Other factors will also affect the marking speed. 4. Laser spot size of metal fiber laser marking machine: The smaller the spot, the smaller the marking volume. The larger the spot, the faster the marking speed. The above are the techniques to improve the marking speed of the metal fiber laser marking machine. I believe that if you follow these methods, you can increase the marking speed and create higher benefits. 5. Marking format of metal fiber laser marking machine:

Because the deflection area of u200bu200bthe large format marking galvanometer is enlarged, the marking speed of large format is slower than that of small format.

Laser marking machines are widely used in marking applications in the metal industry and non-metal industry. The commonly used laser marking applications include LED energy-saving lamps, capacitor aluminum shells, jewelry, and sand wheels. , Auto parts, etc.

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