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What is a small character inkjet printer?

What is a small character cij printer? Today, the engineer will introduce the advantages and disadvantages of the small character inkjet printer for your reference

The small character inkjet printer is also known as the continuous inkjet printer or CIJ inkjet printer. Its working principle Yes, under pressure, the ink enters the spray chamber, which is equipped with a crystal oscillator. Through vibration, the ink is sprayed from a nozzle with a very small aperture (usually 60 microns) to form a fixed interval point, which is processed and phased by the CPU Tracking, some ink dots passing through the charging electrode are charged with different electric nuclei, and different deviations occur under the high-voltage magnetic field of several thousand volts, and the nozzles fly out and fall on the surface of the moving product, forming a dot matrix, thus forming text , Numbers or graphics.

The advantages of small character cij printers are as follows:

1, small and light

small characters are usually small in size and light in weight. This feature makes it easy to integrate into enterprise production lines. Whether in general applications or special applications, the compactness and lightness make it more convenient for workers in daily use and maintenance.

2. Non-contact type

Like the UV inkjet printer, the small character print head is also a non-contact coding and marking device, which does not need to be in contact with the product, and can also be printed. Work, will not damage the surface of the printed packaging.

3. Fast printing speed

A general small character inkjet printer can print up to 300 meters per minute in a single line. Take mineral water bottle and beverage bottle date printing as an example. The printing speed of characters can reach about 1,000 bottles per minute.

4. Low initial investment

After decades of development, the technology of small character inkjet printers is relatively mature, the performance is relatively stable, and the market price is relatively transparent, generally 2 -30,000 can start a good machine.

The shortcomings of small character inkjet printers are as follows:

1. Low print definition

and high-resolution UV inkjet coding Compared with the printer (above 200DPI), the printing accuracy of the small character inkjet printer is much lower. Its printing logo resolution is 32 pixels or 48 pixels. It is obvious that the dot matrix font is intuitively visible, rather than the solid font.

2. Low printing height

The printing height of small character inkjet printers is generally between 1mm-15mm, and many inkjet printer manufacturers will advertise that their equipment can print 20mm or 18mm height, in fact, few manufacturers can do it, usually small character inkjet printers can only print up to 5 lines of content.

3. High cost of consumables

The consumables of the small character inkjet printer include ink, thinner, and cleaning agent. Generally, ordinary ink is used, and the ink needs to be added with thinner. Even if the printer is not turned on, the ink volatilization will be reduced.

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