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What materials can be used for marking with UV laser marking machine?

What materials can be used for marking with UV laser marking machine?

Hello everyone, I am the editor. As the application of ultraviolet laser marking machine is getting closer to life, it has natural charm in processing technology, with short wavelength, narrow pulse width, fast speed, easy absorption of materials, and high peak value. UV laser marking machine technology continues to mature, and the processing technology is widely used and popularized. At present, the mainstream marking materials of UV laser marking machines on the market are plastic, glass, ceramic and metal.

Ultraviolet laser marking is the opposite of fiber laser thermal processing. People usually call it 'cold' processing. The workpiece is locally irradiated by a high-energy-density laser to vaporize the surface material or undergo a photochemical reaction of color change. Achieve a mark that is not easy to wear. Because the UV laser marking machine has no consumables for marking, and the marking effect is fine and beautiful, it has become an irreversible trend to ban the traditional marking process.

The UV laser marking machine has low marking temperature and high speed. It can be controlled remotely by a computer to achieve precise marking. Due to the unique properties of the UV laser marking machine, plastic marking will not cause deformation of the original due to high energy, and the phenomenon of yellow and black graphics and text.

Friends who know circuit boards know that many parts of PCB are composed of precious metal materials, including gold, silver and copper. For small accessories like this, merchants often add their own unique marks on the surface in order to better distinguish them. However, it is difficult to achieve such fine craft standards with traditional inkjet or sandblasting marking techniques. The output spot diameter of the UV laser marking machine is only 0.7mm, and the pulse width is 15nm@30KHz, which can realize fine marking parameters.

Glass craftsmanship is often used in daily life. It can be used for decoration, storage, display, etc. Now we often see beautiful carving crafts on some cups, without any The color matching is still beautiful and picturesque, so there is no need to worry about color fading and pollution. At the same time, the engraving speed of the UV laser marking machine is more refined than that of manual engraving, the surface is flat and smooth, the efficiency is higher, and the destructiveness in mass production is less.

Ultraviolet laser equipment can be used in many fields in flexible board production, including FPC profile cutting, contour cutting, drilling, cover film opening, soft and hard combination Uncovering and trimming of boards, cutting of mobile phone shells, and cutting of PCB shapes, etc. The handwriting marked by laser is clear and bright, and can mark black and white handwriting.

Currently, the UV laser technology is relatively mature at 3-10W, and is widely used in various industrial 'microprocessing' fields. It can be directly used for wafer cutting, ceramic cutting, Film etching, laser marking, etc. In the context of the “Made in China 2025” strategy, the traditional industrial manufacturing industry is facing a deep transformation. One of the directions is to increase efficiency while shifting to precision machining with higher added value and higher technical barriers. The development of ultraviolet laser technology is fully in line with this. A trend.

If you want to know more about UV laser marking machine industry information, please log in to our official website and we will bring you more practical tips.

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