
Leading Manufacturer in the Coding & Marking Industry since 2011.

What problems should be paid attention to when using small character inkjet printer consumables?1

The small character inkjet printer is the most widely used inkjet printer in our production. The small character cij printer manufacturer mainly introduces the problems that should be paid attention to in the use of the small character cij printer consumables, and hopes to be helpful to the users who use the inkjet printer. 1. We all know that when choosing inkjet printer consumables, we must ensure that original consumables are selected. The ink composition of different brands of cij printers is different, and the applicable models and equipment are also different. If you choose alternative consumables, it will affect the quality and service life of the inkjet printer. For enterprise users, the production cost has increased to a certain extent, and the use of alternative consumables will not be worth the loss.

Second, pay attention to the production date and shelf life of the ink, solvent and cleaning agent of the printer. There are obvious marks on the packaging of general consumables. The shelf life of inkjet printer consumables is about 1-2 years, so when purchasing consumables, you need to ensure that inkjet printer consumables are used up within the validity period. 3. Pay attention to the addition of ink and solvent during use to ensure the stable and normal operation of the equipment. When the machine alarms, the corresponding consumables must be added in time. Fourth, in our daily production, sometimes the equipment will stop using. If the equipment is out of use for a long time, we must clean the ink in the printer pipeline in time to ensure the cleanliness of the printer components.

LEAD TECH Technology Co., Ltd. also discusses implications for both research and the practice of operations in building systems to help people succeed in both the short and long run.

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