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What should be paid attention to in the use of imported laser marking machine equipment

Many friends are not unfamiliar with laser marking equipment. It is a device that uses lasers to mark items. It is currently used in many fields, such as electronics and automotive industries. So what should be paid attention to in the use of laser marking equipment?

Laser marking machine equipment

1. Pay attention to the combination of equipment performance and materials. There are many types of laser marking equipment, including metal laser marking equipment and non-metallic laser marking equipment, so different equipment needs to be used to print different materials and cannot be mixed, such as metal laser marking equipment. The marking equipment should be applied to metal products, and the non-metallic laser marking equipment should be applied to non-metallic materials.

2. Pay attention to details. When using laser marking equipment, it should be noted that the anode of the power supply cannot be suspended to prevent breakdown or ignition of other electrical appliances. The switch is turned off, and then the main power is turned off, and then the inspection can be carried out. At the same time, it is also necessary to keep the surface of the laser marking equipment clean, and the interior should be hygienic.

3. Do maintenance work. It is also very important to do maintenance work when using laser marking equipment. If it is a metal marking equipment, it is necessary to prevent it from rusting, which will reduce its performance, and pay attention to moisture-proof treatment. Sometimes it is necessary to lubricate the laser marking equipment, so as to ensure its performance. It is normal when it is working, otherwise it may fail frequently.

When using laser marking equipment, everyone must pay attention to the above contents, especially some details, only the details are well controlled, Only in this way can the service life of the laser marking equipment be extended and its functions can be utilized to the greatest extent. In addition, friends who need laser marking equipment can consult the staff of the website.

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